Mildred Magazine. Archived 2014

We all want to look good but at the end of the day, but we also want to kick off our heels and take off that tummy-sucking pencil skirt. And while saggy trackie dacks and fluffy dressing gowns might be a winner in the comfort department, I certainly wouldn’t be prepared to show myself to the world in that state. Holland Street’s luxurious ‘loungerie’ is now the answer we’ve all been looking for.

Finally sexy lingerie that you can lounge around in.


Luxury silk kimonos and robes are the perfect way to feel elegant lounging around the house. Even if you don’t have someone to show off the gorgeous British prints to, you’ll still feel like a princess.

The latest IKKO Collection features a variety of new silk patterned robes and kimonos including the Azalea kimono and the Tanaka Lily kimono - fitting names for these exquisite floral patterns. Each kimono is available in 100% silk in a range of colours and lengths. The longer kimonos elongate the feminine silhouette and boast fluted sleeves for the perfect drape.

The shorter kimonos feature sophisticated printed back panels of black chiffon and complimentary geometric necklines that works with the robe’s patterning. The shorter kimono offers a more intimate look and can be worn with any of your lingerie.

Holland Street’s promotion of a positive and comfortable lifestyle encourages mindfulness and meditation. Who ever said that you have to suffer in the name of fashion? Certainly not Holland Street.

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